Connecting for life.
Our Mission

To know Christ and make Him known, that all may become His fully devoted disciples.

Our Vision

blue cross Connecting with Jesus

blue Community Connecting as Community

blue a plus  Connecting to School

blue ministry Connecting our Ministries


We are a community seeking to know Jesus and to make Him known, sharing the light and hope of the world in our community.

From the early days, our School and Church connection has been integral to our vision and mission. Together both the Church and School continue to provide a place and opportunity that cultivates connection for growing families, vibrant youth programs, and intergenerational activity, so important for community stability. 

Lutheran Beliefs
Lutheran Church of Australia

Lutherans believe that as believers in Christ we are saved 'by grace, for Christ's sake, through faith' [Ephesians 2:8-9]. We believe that there is nothing we can do to earn God's favour nor gain eternal life. It is entirely through Christ's death on the cross and resurrection from the grave that we live in the reassurance that our debt has been paid for.


Find out more about what Lutherans and the Lutheran Church of Australia believe here.